News from the Zha lab!
11/2020 Maja's paper on ATM R3008H mutant mice is published on Cancer Research! Congratulations Maja! Maja now worked as a senior scientist in Arvinas!
10/2020 Social Distancing Paint Ball trip for the Zha lab in 2020~ with mask and shield - let us shoot some stars and enjoy the colorful fall!
10/2020 Summer's paper describing the role of end-resection in Alt-EJ mediated CSR is published on PNAS! 1st author manuscript no. 4... more to come! Congrats Summer!
09/2020 Zhengping's paper on rapid exchange of PARP1 in the presence of inhibitors is now published on Nucleic Acids Research Twitted and Praised by Dr. Starks and others. Congrats, ZP!
08/2020 Jennie and Summer's paper on the impact of DNA-PKcs pho at T2609 on CSR is published on PNAS! Congrats girls!
08/2020 Farewell for Maja! Good luck in Pfizer and Arvinas Inc! Two 1st author papers submitted!
06/2020 The Social DNAing webinar organized by Shan is lauched! Lorraine gave teh first talk! Attracting over 700 registations!
06/2020 Summer's 1st review is accepted by DNA Repair! "NHEJ throught the lens of lymphocyte development" Now online at Congrat to Summer!
05/2020 We are ramping up! 25% be safe and be well!
05/2020 Summer had her Zoom Thesis committee meeting and got the green light for thesis writing and defense preparation!
05/2020 Yu's paper on nano material sensor for radiation docemitry is published on ACS Applied Metieral! Nice job, Yu!
04/2020 The first CRISPR screen in the Zha lab has been successfully sequenced at Georgetown! Thanks Brian and Summer!
04/2020 The P01 led by Jean is renewed! We got another 5 years to work with the fantanstic Columbia repair teams!
03/2020 We had our first ZOOM lab meeting and journal club!
03/2020 The Zha lab started working from home due to COVID 19 related shutdown.
02/2020 Zhengping, Yimeng and Jennie's paper is published in Nature! Congratulations girls! Nice job!
01/2020 Demis's review on ATM, ATR and DNA-PKcs is published on line! Thank you, Demis!
01/2020 Jennie and Michael's wedding is held in Boston! Congratulations Jennie!
12/2019 Claudio and Shan wrote a preview for Cancer Cell on the role of LMO2 in DNA repair!
09/2019 Moa from the Integrated program joines the Zha lab for research rotation! Welcome Moa!
09/2019 Olivia joins the lab from SUNY stony brook!
07/2019 Welcome Baby Patra! Congratulations Maja and Claudio!
07/2019 Vitor from the Columbia College joins us as the SURF scholar! Welcome Vitor!
07/2019 Joyce from the Master program joins us for her thesis study! Summer will be a her mentor! Go girls go!
05/2019 Farewell to Verna! Thank you very much for all you have done for the lab! Good luck with graduate school.
05/2019 Wendy and Verna's paper on DNA-PKcs S2056A mice is published on J. Immunology! Congrats!
04/2019 Xiangyu and Summer's paper on CtIP is published in Journal of Experimental Medicine! Congrat!
03/2019 Kensey from SUNY joins us as a technician. Welcome Kensey!
12/2018 Yimeng and Yinshan are getting married in New York City!! Congratulation!
12/2018 Farewell Yu! Congratulations Prof. Tao!
12/2018 Demis and Wendy's paper on ATR kinase dead mice is published on Nature Communication! Congratulations!
10/2018 Xiaohui Lin joined the lab as a post-doc fellow from Nankai University! Welcome Xiaohui!
09/2018 Farewell Xiangyu! Congratulations Prof. Liu!
08/2018 Jennie's paper on CSR of DNA-PKcs KD cells is published on PNAS! Congratulations Jennie!
07/2018 Demis is awarded the preticious Leukemia Lymphomas Society Senior Fellorship award! Congratulation Demis!
04/2018 Yimeng Zhu joins our lab as a post-doc fellow from Naikan University! Welcome Yimeng!
04/2018 We were awarded NCIR01 to study the catalytically inactive PARP1 mouse model! Thank Zhengping, Wendy and Chen!
02/2018 Jennis successfully defensed her Ph.D.! CONGRATULATIONs, Dr. Crowe!
01/2018 Tina from the pathbiology program and Mariko from the Integrated program join us for research rotation! Welcome girls!
03/2017 We were awarded the NCIR01 to study the catalytic inactive ATR mouse model! Thank Wendy and Demis!
01/2017 Shan is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure! Thank everyone!
01/2017 Xiangyu (Lious) and Zhengping's paper on PAXX is published by Nature Communication! Congrats!
12/2016 Maja joins the lab after complete a post-doc with Dr. Klein! Welcome Maja!
09/2016 The Career Development Course for Ph.D. students is finally launched! Shan is the course director.
09/2016 Shan renewed her first R01!
08/2016 Feel well, Lisa!
07/2016 Demis is awarded the post-doctoral fellowship from Italian American Cancer Research Association! Congratulations!
07/2016 Wenxia (Wendy) becomes the manager of the Molecular Cytogenetic Shared Resources in HICCC! Way to go!
07/2016 Xiaobin (Summer) joins the lab for her thesis research as the 4th Ph.D. student! Welcome!
06/2016 Denis is going to graduate school in NYU! Good luck, Denis!
05/2016 Verna joins the lab from Barnard College! Welcome!
03/2016 Jennie's first book chapter on T cell development is published!
04/2016 Dr. Demis Menolfi joins the lab from University of Milan. Welcome!
03/2016 Kenta's paper on ATM kinase deficient lymphoma is accepted by eLIFE! Congratulations!
01/2016 Xiaobin (Summer) from the Pathology program joins the lab for rotation! Welcome!
01/2016 Lisa is awarded the Pre-doctoral Cancer Biology Training Fellowship (T32). Congrats!
12/2015 The first lab Christmas Party chaired by Zhengping is a success! Thank you, Zhengping!
12/2015 Dr. Kenta Yamamoto is getting married! Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Yamamoto!
10/2015 Kenta defensed his Ph.D.! Dr. Yamamoto!
10/2015 Kendra joins us for rotation! Welcome!
07/2015 Alice Huang and Sarah Liang join the lab as the first high school students in the lab!
07/2015 Dr. Pinkey and Wendy's paper on Bcl11b is published by the Journal of Hematology and Oncology. Yeah!
07/2015 Lisa joins us for her thesis research as the 3rd Ph.D. student in the lab!
04/2015 Wendy's paper on TCRdelta enhancer is published on Blood! Congrats!
02/2015 Wenxia (Wendy), Jennie and Louise's paper of kinase dead DNA-PKcs is accepted by Molecular Cell! Congratulations!
02/2015 Dr. Zhengping Shao joins us from Zhejiang University. Welcome!
01/2015 Lisa Sprinzen joins the lab for rotation. Welcome Lisa!
10/2015 Kenta's paper on ATM deficient mature B cell lymphoma model is accepted by Leukemia! Congratulations!
10/2014 Kendra from the Pathbiology program joins us for rotation! Welcome!
09/2014 Farewell Chen Chen! Good luck in the new adventure!
09/2014 Xiangyu becomes a proud father! Congratulations!
08/2014 Dr. Serine Avagyan moved to Boston Childrens' for fellowship training! Congs Serine!
07/2014 Serine's paper is published on Blood! Congrats!
08/2014 Mr. Denis Loredan joins the lab from SUNY-Binghamton! Welcome!
06/2014 Jooh joins us from CIT as summer intern. Welcome!
06/2014 Jennie is awarded the Pre-doctoral training grant from NIH/NCI! Congratulations!
02/2014 Serine's paper is published on Blood. Congratulations!
09/2013 Mr. Brian Lee joins the lab from UPENN. Welcome!
07/2013 Shan is named the Leukemia Lymphoma Society Scholar
08/2013 Shan and Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee is award the joined R21 from
06/2013 Rittik Rao from Cornell University joins us as summer intern. Welcome!
05/2013 Dr. Pinkey is named the Clinical Fellow from St. Baldrick's Foundation for Pediatric Research. Congratulations!
05/2013 Xiangyu is awarded the Post-doctoral Fellowship Award from the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Congratulations!
02/2013 Jennie passed her qualification with flying margin! Congratulations! Master of Philosophy!
01/2013 Shan is award the American Cancer Society Scholar Award.
05/2012 Jennie Crowe joins our lab as the 2nd Ph.D. student for her thesis research! Welcome!
08/2012 Dr. Serine Avagyan joins us for her resident research on hematopoietic stem cell function!
08/2012 Dr. Kerice Pinky joins as pediatric fellow for research!
08/2012 Kenta's ATM kinase dead mouse paper is published side by side with Dr. Nussenzweig's paper on Journal of Cell Biology!
05/2012 Richard is going to SUNY-Buffalo for medical school! Good luck and congratulations!
05/2012 Ms. Chen Li joins the lab as lab manger from NYU. Welcome!
03/2012 Xiangyu is getting married! Congratulation, Mr. and Mrs. Liu!
01/2012 Xiangyu and Wenxia (Wendy)'s paper is published on PNAS. Congratulations!
01/2012 Jennie Crowe from Pathbiology program joins us for her rotation. Welcome!
07/2011 Shan is awarded the Gabrielle's Angel Foundation Medical Research Grant.
05/2011 Kenta becomes the first Ph.D. student in the lab!
02/2011 Dr. Xiangyu (Louis) Liu joins the lab from Peking University. Welcome!
01/2011 Shan got her very first R01! Yeah!
10/2010 Dr. Wenxia (Wendy) Jiang joined the lab as the first post-doc fellow. Welcome!
10/2010 Kenta from the pathobiology program joined us as the first rotation student!
07/2010 Shan's ATM thymic lymphomas paper is published on Journal of Experimental Medicine.
06/2010 Shan's ATM/XLF paper is accepted by Nature!
05/2010 Shan is named the St. Baldrick Scholar for Pediatric Cancer.
03/2010 We officially moved into ICRC RM 505!
03/2010 Richard Dubois joined as the 1st lab member from University of Rochester.
12/01/2009 Zha Lab in the Institute for Cancer Genetics was born.